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As a grungy youngster she grew up in Vermont and always had a passion for art. The fantastic arts and gorgeous education filled the gaps up in several sensitive parts of her early adult lifestyle and now she is a poor disabled haggard author.

Regardless, Darcie L. Tredwell earned her Master’s degree at Union Institute and University in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a strong focus of Art Therapy modalities. Darcie L. Tredwell masters thesis which is also available as an eBook on Kindle and as a paperback on Amazon.com and is linked into this series as relevant scholarly content to the  four part series titled Seven Lucky Scary Stories.

She is a tall, blonde, walk in the park and even still she is a mistaken poet and a daunting short stories writer, as you can see in Darcie L. Tredwell's expressive arts filled publications including Orange Blossom: and Other Scary Stories; Positive Positive Positive; Cherries Roses and Other Loves; Goldilocks Moon and the Return of the Common Turn; Wildfire in Vermont and many more.